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growing in good time

Archive for the tag “fibroid”

Growths and growing up

Divine right action is always taking place in my life.  Only good comes from each experience. It is safe to grow up.

Using gold-inked pentel pen, I wrote on pieces of white paper the above and several other affirmations I got from Louise Hay’s book.  Positive statements to address particular physical ailments, both those I deemed minor as well as those I feared might be major.  Many moons ago.

I have to help myself.

Little did I know the one left tacked on my bedroom wall, the italicized one above, would have special significance in the light of one physical dis-ease which presently wants attention.

Affirmations work.  I believe I have considerably improved inwardly which seep out as my attitude, and hopefully, in my action, too, thanks to various affirmations I have recited to myself through the years.

“Create a loving dialogue with yourself, enabling your inner values to awaken and be expressed regardless of your external world” went the text in a page I just now randomly flipped open in a Brahma Kumaris booklet a friend lent me.

Days ago I instinctively opened to a page of Ladies Lunch, a book by my fave Filipino writer Gilda Cordero-Fernando initially intending to read about someone I met recently I remember Gilda mention in one of her pieces.  The page read (written it turned out by Gilda’s co-writer Mariel Francisco) “So what have my ovarian cysts got to do with …cosmic events?  Simple. They are part of a naturally evolving universe which has been programmed for growth.  It was time for me to grow, but I couldn’t (at least, not in the ways I wanted to), so my ovaries grew for me!”

How spot on can it be with my present challenge (also a dis-ease in one of the organs in the reproductive system) to go through and overcome?  Nothing is indeed coincidental.  Serendipity gani!

Likening false growths (or fibroids or tumors) to a pearl an oyster makes by taking a grain of sand and growing a hard and shiny shell around it (so beautiful we use it as jewelry), Louise Hay relates that we (women mostly) take an old hurt, nurse it and pull a scab around which eventually become a tumor.  Or a false growth for it was not included in the plan of our bodies in its whole state. 

Related to this, Louise counsels particularly as we women relate to the men in our lives “It is not what happens, it is how we reactto it.  We are each 100% responsible for all our experiences.”

flower growing amidst various things around it

I have done some inner work on my present health challenge but the above is a very good thing to remember and internalize.  Sometimes it has to be repeated again and again by different teachers, unexpected sources before I get it. 

I thank God so loving patient and understanding for infinite chances He She provides me to keep on learning.


Gilda Cordero-Fernando and Mariel N. Francisco, Ladies’ Lunch and Other Ways to Wholeness (Quezon City, Philippines:  GCF Books, 1994), 106

Brahma Kumaris (Enrique Simo), The Gift of Peace: Thoughts for a Peaceful World (London, UK: Brahma Kumaris Information Services Ltd., 2002), 48

Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life (Quezon City, Philippines: Kadena Books, 1993), 146

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